When your friend needs a ride
Bellmore Taxi Service. Book a taxi in advance. Get a ride right now. Taxi Service at the Bellmore LIRR station Bellmore Yellow Cab Service next door to the 3rd Rail on Pettit Ave Bellmore NY When your friend needs a ride, your first instinct is to call your local taxi service for them, correct? I'm here to help you find the best way to book a cab as efficiently as possible. First off, I am a big fan of good Samaritans, but theres a correct way and an incorrect way of being that good Samaritan, albeit GREAT SAMARITAN!!!!! When person A needs a ride, person A needs to call the local taxi to the town they are currently in from person A's cell phone When person B needs a ride, person B needs to call the local taxi to the town they are currently in from person B's cell phone. Inform the taxi dispatcher which town they are in, and which town they intend to travel to. This eliminates all confusion on the dispatcher's end. If person A needs a ride, person ...